Original post from https://www.redfin.com/blog/maintaining-septic-tanks-and-sewer-lines/
September 10, 2020 by Julia Weaver

Whether you live in a beach house in Jamestown, RI or a cabin near Portland, OR, your home has a septic system or a sewer system. Septic tanks and sewer lines differ in many ways, but also offer many of the same benefits. Basically, both systems offer reliable drainage of wastewater from your home and make it possible for you to take showers, do laundry, wash the dishes, and flush toilets.
Septic tank and sewer line maintenance will be different, but there are general guidelines to follow regardless of what type of system your home has to help avoid any expensive problems occurring. We’ve asked the experts to share their best tips on maintaining a septic tank or sewer system…
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